
- TAKEUCHI, Johane
- TAKEUCHI, Johane
- Principal Engineer / Research Division
Academic Contributions
- 2016/01
Kei Wakabayashi Johane Takeuchi Kotaro Funakoshi Mikio Nakano: Bayesian Models for Spoken Language Understanding. the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). 2016
- 2012/06
Takaki Makino, Johane Takeuchi: Apprenticeship Learning for Model Parameters of Partially Observable Environments. the 29th International Coference on International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2012
- 2011/03
Mikio Nakano, Yuji Hasegawa, Kotaro Funakoshi, Johane Takeuchi, Toyotaka Torii, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Naoyuki Kanda, Kazunori Komatani, Hiroshi G. Okuno, Hiroshi Tsujino: A multi-expert model for dialogue and behavior control of conversational robots and agents.Knowledge-Based Systems 24(2), 2011
- 1993/04
PhD: University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Engineering, Japan
- 1998/04
RIKEN Brain Science Institute